Windscreen repair & replace services

Professional services team

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Most trusted repair & replace guarantee
What We Offer
Features for dream windscreen repair & replace
A brainchild of enthusiasm for professional and excellent automobile windscreen services, our company HLT WINDSCREEN SPECIALIST was established in May 2016.
About HLT
Know about HLT quality repairs & replaces services
HLT WINDSCREEN SPECIALIST is a reputable and reliable windscreen supplier that had solved a wide range of windscreen issues for many years. We provide windscreen repair services for various vehicle brands which include Proton, Perodua, Honda, Toyota, Nissan, BMW, Mercedes, etc. We are committed to providing customized windscreen solutions at a reasonable price to you. Shall you have any further inquiries, please feel free to contact us.

What We Do
We provide professional windscreen repair & replace services
We provide the services of repair or replacement of windscreen as well as handling the insurance claims for your customers. We provide outdoor services to replace the windscreen for our customers in order to serve them better and for their convenience. We are confident and promise to provide excellent services standard to all your customer.

Our brand
What list of car brands are
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